Kalyan Pithruvedi

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During the eparchial assembly held on Oct, 2006 it was decided to disband Pithruvedi from the Kalyan laity movement (KLM) and accordingly Pithruvedi was erected with a decree dated 23rd December 2006. H.E. Mar Thomas Elavanal, Bishop of Kalyan appointed Msgr. Jacob Porathur as its first Director. Rev.Fr. George Vattamattam was appointed as the director of Pithruvedi on 8th May, 2008. He was entrusted in creating Pithruvedi as an organisation which will work alongside the diocese, upholding the Diocesan vision mission and principles. The current Director of Kalyan Pithruvedi is Rev. Fr. Boby Mulakkampilly.

Pithruvedi was officially inaugurated on October 18, 2009 at Presentation Convent School Ground, Nerul by His Beatitude Cardinal Mar George Alencherry, the current Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. The By-laws of Pithruvedi was Promulgated by H.E. Mar Thomas Elavanal in this inaugural meeting. From the day of inauguration Pithruvedi has been active in many leadership, social, cultural and sports activities which in word and spirit reinforces its slogan ‘Celebrating Fatherhood in Christ’.’.

Now Pithruvedi unit has reached every parishes in the diocese and there are 39 Central Executive Committee members who closely monitor its multifarious activities. It is actively engaged in providing job opportunities to the unemployed, organizing seminars and workshops, conducting competitions in Theatre Arts, Carol Singing, Extempore Speech, Essay Writing, Public speaking etc. It also arranges tournaments in tug of war and badminton every year.

The most popular event that Pithruvedi organizes is the Msgr. Thalachira Memorial short play competition. Pithruvedi also undertakes fund- raising programmes from time to time. In the month of March every year ‘vanakamasam’ of St. Joseph is held at the initiative of Pithruvedi.

The first Patron’s Day celebration was celebrated on May 1, 2010 at St. Mary’s Junior College Hall, Kalina. Honourable Shree K Sankaranarayanan, the then Governor of Maharashtra was the chief guest. Henceforth the Patron’s Day (St. Joseph Day) celebrations is held on first Sunday of May. Every year Pithruvedi conducts “Ecumenical Carol Singing Competition” to enhance togetherness and improve relationship between the ecumenical churches in Maharashtra.

Pithruvedi has already outlined an action plan in respect of creating an infrastructure to be used as its office and counselling centre. Further, it would conduct seminars and workshops with a view to the upbringing of children in true Christian faith. Qualified legal experts from Pithruvedi would give guidance in making a Will, making examinations at co-op Housing Societies, Banks etc., handling financial matters of the elderly, getting scholarships for education, buying or renting a home, setting up a business and such other issues. Also arranging for medical insurance for all the families of the eparchy is on the cards.

On many occasions in the past, Pithruvedi held meetings of the senior citizens. General body meeting is held annually and new office bearers are elected biannually. Pithruvedi units at the parish level is the real strength of the organisation. The members actively participate in all activities of the church and continue to be the think-tank in the parishes to ensure our family, the church and the society reach greater heights of successes. Onam celebrations which fill the young and the old with a wave of nostalgia is one of the examples of work done by Pithruvedi units to create brotherhood among various religious organisations in the society around the parishes.


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