Ahmednagar Mission

The History of the Vincentian Mission at Ahmednagar began with the arrival of two Vincentians – Rev. Fr. Joseph Kavalakkat VC on January 27, 1991 and Fr. Thomas Mullenmadackel VC on February 28, 1991. On July 3, 1991, a formal contract was signed between the Bishop of Kalyan, Mar Paul Chittilapilly and the Provincial of the Marymatha Province, Very Rev.Fr. George Kammattil, regarding the mission works in the civil district of Ahmednagar.

As per the contract, Rev. Fr. Joseph Kavalakkat was appointed as the First Mission Superior and Syncellus, and the mission was formally inaugurated by His Excellency Mar Paul Chittilapilly on September 11, 1991 in Sherly Miller Hall at Booth Hospital, Ahmednagar.

The first centre was started at Kedgaon, Ahmednagar. The second centre was at Shrirampur. CMC Sisters of Ernakulam Province and FHGS Sisters came to serve in the Mission. During this period English medium schools were started. On October 30, 1996, Rev. Thomas Mullenmadackel was appointed as the Mission Superior and synchellus of the Mission During this period the Mission at Vavarath was inaugurated. It is a mission among the tribals who are shephered communities.

We started a Marathi Medium School with boarding and clinic. From 2002 to 2009 Rev. Fr. Sebastian Pandarathikudiyil served as Mission Superior and we started the centre at Yeola. In 2009 Rev. Fr. Neerolickal Thomas took charge as the Mission Superior. Since 2012Rev. Fr. Sajoy Ethakkattu holds the post of Mission superior. On 12th August 2012 the Mission was named `St. Paul Mission’ by His Excellency Bp. Thomas Elavanal on the occasion of “Preshithajwala”- Conclusion of ‘Preshita Varsham’ 2012. In February 2013 Divine Ashram Retreat Centre started to function at Ahmednagar. Regular retreats in Marathi, English and Malayalam are conducted here. On July 14, De Paul Minor Seminary at Ahmednagar was inaugurated by his Excellency Mar Thomas Elavanal.

Catholics – 300

Religious Sisters – 22

Organised Ecclesial Communities – 04

Mission Stations – 06

Retreat Center – 01

English Medium Schools – 05

Healthcare Centers – 01

Hostel for School Children – 02

Priests – 12



– De Paul Centre, Ahmednagar

– De Paul Centre, Kopergaon

– De Paul Centre, Rahuri Factory

– De Paul Centre, Shrirampur

– De Paul Centre, Vavarath

– De Paul Centre, Yeola


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