Bible Apostolate

Bible Apostolate in the Eparchy of Kalyan helps the faithful to be the people of the Word of God with its motto “Good News: to give and to live”. The main activities of the Apostolate are the following:

  • Make English & Malayalam Bible available in the Diocesan Center for  distribution.
  • To encourage people to study Bible, a bible quiz competition called- KERYGMA is conducted. It is conducted in groups of five according to age. Certificates are awarded to the participants and also prizes to the winners.
  • Knowing the need of the time a Bible commission has been formed to make the department more efficient and vibrant. Booklets on individual books as a guide to Kerygma.
  • Write-up on the concerned book for Kerygma in the Diocesan Magazine-Lantern.


  • Bible convention under the banner of the department in Diocesan level
  • Bible certificate course


  • Fr. Jojo Kuttikadan
  • Fr. Jojo Kuttikadan
  • Fr. Justin Kallely
  • Fr. Sheen Chittattukara
  • Fr. Pious Oroplackal
  • Fr. Rajesh Mathew
  • Fr. Benny Thanninilkumthadathil
  • Fr. Jomon Thekkumthala


  • Fr. Rajesh Mathew Paruthippallil – Director
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