Faith Formation


From the very inception of the Diocese the ministry of catechesis remains one of the top concerns and priorities. It has always been the earnest endeavour of the diocese to discover new ways and methods to seek fresh opportunities in order to make Christian faith alive and active. The department of faith formation has been diligently imparting the doctrines of faith to the children. Today catechism classes for the students’ranges from Sr. K.G. (Jesus Kids) to Std. XII (Youth) are held very systematically in all the parishes of the diocese. Over 750 teachers are assiduously engaged in the process of faith formation of about 6200 students.

Fr. Thomas Chirackal MST was the first Director of the department of faith formation. Later Fr. Jose Odanattu, Fr. Joy Paliakara, Fr. Sebastian Vadakumpadan, Fr. Emmanuel Kadankavil, Fr. Rajesh Mathew, Fr. Biju Kollamkunnel , Fr. Franklin Pottananickal, Fr. Sheen Chittattukara and Fr. Biju Mannamcheril took up the stewardship, one after the other.


Faith formation of children aiming at spiritual, ecclesial, and social growth.


  • To provide a platform of Faith Formation, value education, worship & service
  • To create leadership qualities among our children.
  • To help children to realize our unique & distinct identity as St. Thomas Christians in the Diocese of Kalyan.
  • To provide the children to exhibit their hidden talents at various religious and cultural events of the Church.


Inaugural ceremony: at the beginning of the academic year, each parish organises prayer day for the students including initiation ceremony called vidyarambham for their first learners.

Parents Day: the feast of St. Anna and Joachim is celebrated as the parents’ day and the students wish their parents.

St. Vianney Day: the patron saint for the priests is celebrated as the priests’ day and the students wish and pray for their parish priest.

Orientation Seminar for the teachers: every year we do conduct a refresher course for the catechism teachers at the forane level/ clubbed forane level.

Faith Formation Sunday: a Sunday to remember the importance of faith formation in our Christian living. This day is celebrated with seminars, speeches and cultural events.

St. Thomas academy: is a platform to showcase the cultural talents of our catechism students.

Kalyan Faith Fest/ Euphony: is a competition held at the parish/forane and Diocesan level.

Eucharistia: an intensive coaching for the children to be with Jesus during the Diwali holidays. The three days camp will take through different themes every year.

Teachers’ day: October 2nd is celebrated as a catechism teachers’ day. We have annual prize distribution ceremony for those stood victorious in Best Sunday school, Scholarship examination, Manuscript Magazine, Bliss eternia etc.

Director of Faith Formation: Rajesh Mathew Paruthippallil
Assistant Director: Fr. Jojo Thaikkadan
Secretary: Mrs. Shobi Varghese
Joint Secretary: Mrs. Anju Aji
PRO: Mr. Grejo Joby


Christeen coordinator: Fr. Bipin Thomas Mattaparambil
Altar boys coordinator: Fr. Fibin Sunny Kanjiraparambil
Holy childhood coordinator: Fr. Bipin Chennothvattukalam

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