
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Bhayander

The history and beginning of Bhayander Sacred Heart Catholic Church Parish and its former Catholic members lands in the starting of 1980, with a small gathering of some laity people of that time who were living around Bhayander, Mira-Road and Kashimira area. On 28th September, 1984 Rev. Fr. Chelsius.C.M.I. celebrated a Malayalam Qurbana in the Syro-Malabar rite for the then community with the permission of Our Lady of Nazareth Church authorities. There were nearly 30 families around Bhayander, Mira road and Kashimira area and they were very active in each and every activities of Our Lady of Nazareth Church, Bhayander (West). On every second Sunday there was a Malayalam Qurbana from 1985 to 1988. The Malayalee priests from Shalini Bhavan, Sion and K.C.A. Bhavan, Kalina, Santacruz had come for celebrating the Holy Eucharist and administering the Liturgical needs of the Bhayander Community. In 1988 the little community of Bhayander became 80 families, and on 1st September, 1988 the Bhayander Sacred Heart Church parish was formed by Rev. Fr. Varghese Nadackal and it started functioning in Our Lady of Nazareth Church, Bhayander(West). From 1988 to 1990 Rev. Fr. Varghese Nadackal was the first vicar of Bhayander Sacred Heart Parish. Then from 1st August, 1990 onwards the work started to build our own prayer hall with the leadership of the then Vicar Rev. Fr. Jose Ainickal. With the mercy of God Almighty and the help of the people of that time, under the Vicarship of Rev. Fr. Davis Pulikkottil and Our Lady of Nazareth Church authorities we could buy a plot of 13 guntas in 1992. In 1992 on April 30th His Excellency Mar Paul Chittilapilly the First Bishop of Kalyan Diocese laid the foundation stone for the Bhayander Sacred Heart Catholic Welfare Centre. At this time the parish had divided into four zones and they were again divided into 15 family units with a capacity of 20 to 30 families each. In 1997, Rev. Fr. Joseph Pothenparampil, M.S.T. took charge as the Parish Priest. A committee of 64 members was formed for the construction of the Church and started the work on 31st of May, 1999 with the blessing of Rev. Fr. Antony Kollannur, the then Chancellor of Kalyan Eparchy. Thus on 17th of February, 2001 the dream project of Bhayander Catholics was fulfilled when His Excellency Mar Thomas Elavanal consecrated the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Bhayander. On the same day the Bhayander Sacred Heart Welfare Centre was also inaugurated by Mr. Praful Kashinath Patel, the chairman of Mira-Bhayander Municipal Council. We have been formed as the Sacred Heart Catholic Trust and do all the works crystal clear. Other priests worked as Parish Priests are Fr. Jose Kokkopuzha, Fr. Martin Kombara, Fr. Dennis Marocky, Fr. Joemon Kurisingal. Fr. Jitto Thengumpallil is the present parish priest. We have the Daughters of Divine Providence congregation to help the Liturgical activities of the church. By this time we have celebrated our ten golden years after the construction of our Church. Now we have 270 registered families on record and many are on the run to settle down here in Bhayander. We wholeheartedly thank all the well-wishers for their guidance and contribution. And a word of big thanks to the God Almighty whose blessings were the foundation stones of all these success. We bow our heads in front of Him with all the gratitude and love.


Forane: Borivli

Status: Parish

Parish Priest: Fr. Joemon Kurisingal

Establishment of Parish Community: 1980

Official Erection as a Parish: 08-09-2010

Date of the Consecration of the Church: 17-02-2001

Area of the Church Property: 1130 sq mtr.

No. of Family’s: 260

No. of Family Units: 15

Address: Phatak, Bhayander (E), Thane Dist. 401105

Phone No.: 28192096

How to reach:


Holy Qurbana:

Weekdays Qurbana:

Name of the Religious Congregation & Province: DDP

Type of the Institutions at parish territory: Immaculate Nursery School


Email id:



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