
St. Sebastian’s Church, Mahim

In 1990 Mar Paul Chittilippilly with the help of some lay people brought together all the faithful nearby Mahim area and gave them Fr. Vakkachan Thattuparambil as their first Parish Priest. The new church was consecrated by Mar Paul Chittilipilly on 17th May 1992. We had Holy Qurbana on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Every Friday we have novena to St Sebastian. After the next Sunday of the 20th January of every year we celebrate our parish feast. In August 14th 2005 Msgr. Jacob Porathur announced the establishment of the parish during the tenure of Fr. Vincent Kanimangalathukaran.

We sincerely remember and thank all the priests those who worked here, namely Fr. Vakkachan Thattuparambil, Fr. John Kizhakarakattu, Fr. Thomas Thikootathil, Fr. Thomas Choondal, Fr. Jacob Edakalathoor, Fr. Sunny Perumpuzha, Fr. Justin Kallely, Fr. Vincent Kanimangalathukaran, Fr. Jojo Kuttikkadan, Fr. Abraham Kollithadam, Fr. Jaison Karakkunnel and Fr. Bipin Chovattukunnel. We sincerely thank and remember Rev. Sisters from Dharavi convent for helping us in preparation for Holy Qurbana and in catechism.

At present Fr. Joby Ayithamattathil is the parish priest.


Forane: South Mumbai

Status: Forane Parish

Parish Priest: Fr. Bipin Chovattukunnel

Establishment of Parish Community: 1990

Official Erection as a Parish: 14/08/2005

Date of the Consecration of the Church: 17/05/1992

Area of the Church Property:

No. of Family’s:

No. of Family Units:

Address: 32-C, Kamala Nagar, Jasmine Mill Rd, Mahim (E), Mumbai 400017

Phone No.: 24081366

How to reach:


Holy Qurbana:

Weekdays Qurbana:

Name of the Religious Congregation & Province: Nil

Type of the Institutions at parish territory: Nil


Email id:



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