Pro-Life – An Act of Standing for Life


As we all know, we have entered the season of cheer, happiness and celebration of Life; the liturgical season of Annunciation; the time for rejoicing the birth of our Saviour. Theseason is thus the greatest reminder of the importance of the most precious gift that Man has received from God – the Gift of Life. This is the crux of the idea of Pro-Life Day, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of the season of Annunciation, and the whole week as the Pro-Life Week. The primary objective of celebrating this event is to celebrate Life in its purest form, and defy the argument that Man has the “right” to decide the outcome of the conceived life, in whichever forms – be it contraception or abortion.

Through the pastoral letter on 04th December, Bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal, continues to highlight the importance of having a Pro Life approach in the life of every Christian, and also evangelise the same. The major argument that arises is the availability of contraceptives as the safest remedy against abortion. However looking at this from a moral perspective, we can come to the conclusion that both serve the same purpose – prevention and termination of Life.As is quoted in the Pastoral Letter, “the outlook and intention of those who practise contraception and those who consent for abortion are one and the same”.Thus by using contraception, the sexual encounter acts as the saboteur of the beginning of Life, countering its very purpose.

As being true Christians, it thus becomes our moral duty and obligation to imbibe the idea of Pro Life – in thoughts, words and actions and also spread the message to our brother and sisters of different faiths. Multiple times we may come across people who debate that contraception is the morally right alternative to abortion, however we know better and we must always try to defend our idea regarding the same. The same is foreseen through the upcoming “Walk for Life” which will be held on 11th of December, to celebrate the Pro-Life Day, and offer our sacrifices and prayers for saving the life of the unborn soul.

For KMC @ Ms. Ancy Albert

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