Fr. Franklin Joseph, Director of Kalyan Media Cell (KMC), Eparchy of Kalyan, conveyed that through Baptism we share in the priesthood of the Christ, His prophetic and royal mission and reminded that the Catechism of Catholic Church teaches us that Baptism is the beginning of new life. Fr. Franklin was reflecting on Holy Father Pope Francis’ monthly intention for March- Formation in spiritual discernment that the church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment both on the personal and communitarian levels, through ‘Derek’, a spiritual video initiative of Catholic Focus YouTube channel of KMC.
Fr. Franklin Joseph remarked that “Confirmation strengthens the new life and the Holy Eucharist nourishes our soul with the Body and the Blood of Christ for our transformation in Christ. The journey of transformation unravels itself through spiritual enlightenment. At personal levels, it is through silence, reading the Holy Bible and meditating upon it, reading spiritual books that help us analyze ourselves, the sacrament of confession, spiritual direction and the list goes on.” Further, he added, “At the same time, the communitarian levels, it is through participating in the Eucharistic celebrations, retreat, spiritual workshops, prayer meetings and so on. Let us be faithful and committed to these personal and communitarian levels for our formation in spiritual discernment.”
Fr. Franklin Joseph concluded his remarks by exhorting the faithful that “In this month, let us pray with the Holy Father Pope Francis that this journey of transformation may strengthen us to be stronger in prayer life, expand our knowledge on the Church, increase our involvement in the ministries, sharing our skills and knowledge while discerning our Mission for the greater glory of God.”
The word Derek derived from Hebrew means ‘Way’. The video series is considered as a spiritual media initiative to help the faithful have the right knowledge and approach towards Holy Father Pope Francis’ monthly prayer intentions. Derek not only focuses to provide the viewers with monthly prayer intentions but also helps them to reflect and meditate on these spiritual messages.